Weber State University
Andrew finished his education by graduating from Weber State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. He also earned in the process an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Science.
Andrew was able to use the skills he learned from SLCC and apply them his other courses. His upper division courses were much different than his previous courses. Most of them expected you to figure things out on your own. As this made this things challenging, it also allowed Andrew to gain further skills because of it. Making him better at software development.
Andrew also took the time to focus a lot more on his leadership skills. He took every opportunity he could to be the leader of a team project. He learned how to work with different kinds of people. He learned to adapt to the teams and lead them better.
Andrew would be able to show off his software development skills with a project he built in his individual projects course. This was a timeclock application built using Electron. It was challenging but it gave the full experience. Its currently able support Windows computers but with some minor scripting it has the capability to support all desktop platforms.
The signature to his skills would be his group project for his capstone course. Project Senseless. Andrew designed Project Senseless himself and worked with his team to build this project. This project took everything that he had learned from all the years and combined into one last project. In the end, the Project Senseless would be the biggest project that helped him graduate.
April 2024
Salt Lake Community College
During Andrew’s time at his high school, he laid the foundation of his plans on what he wanted to do in college by taking two concurrent enrolled math courses. Against the advice from his math teachers, psychiatrist, and parents, he pursued Math 1010 and Math 1050 from teacher who didn’t have a great reputation. Instead they wanted him to pursue easier math courses with a more reputable instructor. In the end, he got a head start he wanted on his college career.
He would use that head start to begin pursuing his Associate’s degree. He created a plan with his academic advisor that would allow practically all of his courses to transfer over nicely to his University of choice. Weber State University. After going through the Calculus series courses Andrew would eventually have to take that easier math course. Math 1040 Intro to Statistics, which was nothing in comparison to what he had faced before.
Salt Lake Community College gave Andrew a taste of everything when it came to Computer Science. It also gave him a deeper perspective about college. During high school, most of what he learned was easier to understand “truths” or facts. In college, instructors had more biases and teaching styles that put it in the hands of the students to decipher the knowledge and truth each instructor had to offer.
He would eventually graduate with his Associate of Science degree in Computer Science and be one step closer to completing his education goals.
May 2021